The Main Prize: A Trip for Two (2001)
Novel Galvena balva - celojums divata [Riga Warmth]. Riga: Petergailis, 2001.
ISBN: 9984-67-362-6
Before her career as art and photography historian, Alise Tifentale has published three fiction books – a short story collection Hotel Rīga (1999) and two novels, The Main Prize: A Trip for Two (2001) and Riga Warmth (2003). Since 1996 her stories and fragments of works in progress have appeared in several publications and translated into English, German, Finnish, Lithuanian, and Estonian.
Her writing combines autobiographical notes with fiction, inspired by the American author Hunter S. Thompson and Latvian-American writer Anšlavs Eglītis. Tifentale's novels reflect upon the paradoxes of contemporary life, shaped by mainstream mass culture as well as by the unwritten codes of different subcultures. This novel, written in 2001, deals with a growing tension in Latvia around 2022 until the violent outbursts of extreme nationalism, homophobia, and xenophobia find the perfect victim, a well-known Hollywood celebrity who happens to be gay, mixed-race, and - Latvian.
Book cover design by Toms Vitins.